We offer our members the opportunity to independently monitor their working hours. You can conveniently keep track of and plan your working hours using OAJ’s Vipu app.
OAJ’s various member groups apply different collective labour agreements and different working-hour systems. Not all working-hour systems require that working hours be monitored.
Vipu can help you plan and keep track of your working hours independently so that you can make better use of the working-hour resources that are available to you to accomplish the tasks that are essential during the school year or working period.
Why use Vipu?
Vipu allows you to see the amount of time you spend on different tasks and determine where you should allocate your limited working hours and how much time to allocate to them. At its best, Vipu will change the working-hours culture at the entire workplace!
The Vipu app offers several options. The work tasks and number of hours to be tracked are determined based on your choices.
Vipu table helps you keep track of your working hours flexibly
Vipu table helps you flexibly define the working hours and tasks to be tracked.
Vipu table (Excel in Finnish)Vipu table guide (Word in Finnish)
How to use Vipu on a mobile device
You can use Vipu on a smart phone or tablet with OAJ app.