United team

The future needs a united team. RDI professional, join us!



Why should an RDI professional become a member of OAJ?

✓ The more RDI professionals there are in OAJ, the better we can jointly influence working conditions and wages.

✓ OAJ has the best networks and strong knowledge and experience of lobbying in higher education.

✓ OAJ is the biggest organisation representing the education and research sector in Akava, which is a contracting party in collective agreements in the private education sector.

✓ Only OAJ members are entitled to the services of regularly trained shop stewards.

✓ OAJ has extensive member benefits and a genuine opportunity to support its members, also in industrial action situations.

✓ The local association provides a social network and strengthens employer lobbying.

As a member of OAJ, you strengthen the team that builds the futures of Finland.

Join the union