About OAJ

The Trade Union of Education in Finland protects your interests and influence decisions related to working life.

OAJ's task is to exert its influence wherever decisions on the well-being of its members are made: at work, in education and in society.

We are a non-profit organization and a community of nearly 120 000 Finnish professionals working in the field of education, training and research – from early childhood education to adult education and training. 

We act and exert our influence wherever decisions on the well-being of our members are made – at work, in education and in society.

Some of our members work outside of Finland.

Largest member union of Akava

We are the largest member union, in terms of members and influence, of Akava, the Confederation of Unions for Professional and Managerial Staff in Finland. We are also a strong education policy influencer and play an active role in regulating and developing the education, training and research sector.

OAJ takes care of education-sector collective bargaining, some of which is implemented by the Negotiation Organisation for Public Sector Professionals JUKO. OAJ may also draw up local agreements in certain matters.

Principles guiding our operations

Our strategy defines our union’s basic task, outlook and values. All of our operations are guided by the values defined by OAJ’s Council in August 2020.

The strategy is drawn up for four years at a time and it is supplemented with a two-year action plan.

Learn more about OAJ’s strategy 

Our strategic focal points

  • We serve our members with expertise and passion.
  • We always act according to our values: fairly, transparently and responsibly.
  • As a partner, we are reliable and solution-oriented.

Advocacy and exerting influence

OAJ is a strong influencer and an advocate for its members in the field of education, training and research. Our task is to secure the legal status of people working in the field. We also improve the financial and social position and working conditions of those working in the sector.

Finnish working life is founded on negotiations, and OAJ negotiates contracts on behalf of its members. We negotiate the collective agreements that lay out the terms of teachers’ employment relationships with KT Local Government Employers, The Association of Finnish Independent Education Employers, Avainta Employers and the State. We protect and exert influence to ensure that our members’ employment security is implemented in compliance with the law and agreements.

OAJ promotes education

We highlight education as an investment and underscore both its significance for the national economy and its value for Finnish society. We influence society in a way that guarantees the extensive availability of education and training services nationwide.

We work to ensure that cuts targeted to the education, training and research sector by the government, municipalities and private training organisers do not endanger citizens’ rights to equal and high-quality early childhood education and other training and education.

Assistance and advice

The union has a strong local organisation with shop stewards and OSH (occupational safety and health) representatives. Nearly every municipality has a local OAJ association.

Members receive assistance and advice concerning their work and the terms of their employment contracts from both OAJ-trained shop stewards and the experts at OAJ’s office.